Letter Writing Clinics

Librarians and Teachers to Host Letter Writing Clinics

Q. What could motivate Nebraska young people to write letters?

A. A great story—and the opportunity to tell an author about how a book made a difference in their own life.

Teachers and librarians across Nebraska are encouraged to host Letter Writing Clinics for students in their area. The clinics are meant to introduce students to the Nebraska Letters About Literature contest and letter writing techniques. Students get ideas for selecting books and learn how to craft letters that can be submitted to the Nebraska Letters About Literature contest, a state-wide reading and writing promotion program that engages adolescent and young readers in grades four through twelve. The competition encourages young people to read, be inspired, and write back to the author (living or dead) who had an impact on their lives.

The Resources in this website can help with teaching students how to select books and how to craft letters to the authors that wrote the books that made a difference in their lives. Letter Writing Clinic components include:
a) Choose a target audience and select promotional activities and resources to match the audience.
b) Plan activities for the Letter Writing Clinic (the clinic can involve two sessions--one to introduce the idea and to help the students to select books and another to learn letter writing techniques and to craft the letters.
c) Following the clinic(s), completed letters should be collected and submitted to the contest when it officially opens in September.

Keep up with Letter Writing Clinic activities on social media at https://www.facebook.com/NebraskaCenterfortheBook.

The Contest deadline for all Levels to submit letters is December 31, 2024.

Target Market for Letter Writing Clinics: The target market(s) are selected by the teacher or librarian. The grade-level competition categories for the contest are set by the Nebraska Center for the Book. Contest participants compete on three levels:

  • Level I for young readers in grades 4-6
  • Level II for young adult readers in grades 7-8
  • Level III for readers in grades 9-12

Letters About Literature Contest: To learn more about the Nebraska Letters About Literature Contest, refer to the Letters About Literature web page on The Nebraska Center for the Book’s website. Deadline for letters: December 31, 2024.


Read. Be inspired. Write Back.



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Nebraska Book Awards


Tessa Timperley, at the Nebraska Library Commission.