The Nebraska Center for the Book
Related Organizations
Jane Pope Geske Heritage Room of
Nebraska Authors Their mission is to preserve and promote works by and about
Nebraska authors, past and present. The collection strives to gather in one location a
representative sample of written works by all Nebraska authors. The Heritage Room
contains much more than books. You can also find information files, photographs, audio and
video cassettes, compact discs, artwork and other memorabilia reflecting Nebraska’s rich
literary tradition. A searchable database,, is offered
through a collaborative project with the UNL Center for Digital
Research in the Humanities.
Nebraska School Librarians Association
The purpose of the Nebraska School Librarians Association is to
advocate for school library programs, provide professional
development opportunities for school librarians, and develop leaders
in the school library field.
Nebraska Library Association
The Nebraska Library Association is the cornerstone of the Nebraska
library community. The Association advocates for its members, enrich
their professional lives, advance the lifelong learning of all
Nebraskans, and promote all library interests in Nebraska.
Nebraska Library Commission
The mission of the Nebraska Library Commission is statewide
promotion, development, and coordination of library and information
services. As the state library agency, the Commission is an advocate
for the library and information service needs of all Nebraskans.
Nebraska Literary Heritage Association The Association
exists to encourage the collection, preservation, and promotion of work by and about Nebraska
authors through support of the
Lincoln City Libraries special collection, the Jane Pope Geske
Heritage Room of Nebraska Authors, and to foster the creation and appreciation of this literature
through programs, collaborative partnerships, and the use of technology.
Nebraska Public Libraries There
are currently 273 public libraries that serve communities
throughout Nebraska.
Nebraska State Reading Association The mission of the Nebraska
State Reading Association is to lead in the promotion of literacy in the state of Nebraska through
collaboration, advocacy, and professional development. It is an affiliate of the International
Reading Association.
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Center for the Book in the Library of
Congress With the Library of Congress, the Center is a focal point for
celebrating the legacy of the printed word. Outside the Library, the center works closely
with other organizations to support its mission of stimulating public
awareness of books, reading, libraries and literacy. We have been
an affiliate of the Library of Congress Center for the Book since 1990.
State Center for the Book
State center affiliates use themes established by the LC Center for
the Book and develop activities that promote their own state’s book culture and literary
heritage, sponsoring projects and hosting events that call attention to the importance of
books, reading literacy and libraries.
International Reading Association
The Association promotes high levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading
instruction, disseminating research and information about reading, and encouraging the lifetime
reading habit. Their mission is to promote reading by
continuously advancing the quality of literacy instruction and research worldwide.
Reading Is Fundamental RIF develops
and delivers children’s and family literacy programs. It prepares and motivates children to read
by delivering free books and literacy resources to those families who need them most.
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